+47 461 86 000

The proprietary CTV technology allows for direct offshore loading to conventional tankers of any size from offshore fields globally.

"A groundbreaking seaborne concept for transferring hydrocarbons"

CTV Technology

The CTV technology is a cost efficient, flexible, safe and energy saving method of transferring oil from offshore oil fields onto conventional tankers. The CTV technology is an alternative to already existing methods for offshore loading, such as tandem loading, shuttle tankers or single point mooring systems.

Cost Reduction

By simplifying the logistics chain compared to the use of shuttle tankers and STS/terminal storage the CTV Technology provides substantial cost savings to its clients. Compared to fixed loading buoy installations the CTV Technology provides the opportunity for leasing the loading system and removing the need for fixed installations. For many fields the benefits offered by the CTV technology can reduce the cost of offshore loading with more than USD 1 per barrel of oil.

Plug & Play

SeaLoading’s CTV technology allows the vessel to operate safely at offshore fields without the need for modification to FPSOs or conventional tankers. The CTV technology is based on using proven equipment, solutions, software and operations, combining and improving these elements into a unique and specialized vessel design.

Associated equipment

The CTV Technology compromises associated equipment such as our Loading Hose Connector (LHC) and Safe Connector, products that can also improve normal loading operations for any tanker operation.


Studies show that the CTV Technology can reduce CO2 emissions with up to 80% compared to alternative solutions.


The concept adds trading flexibility to its clients offshore, reduces the time to market, and our vessels can cover multiple fields making it a flexible offshore loading solution for both existing and new offshore fields.

Press the signs below to learn more about our vessels

  • Offloading Reel

    The offloading system (reel and hose) ensures safe and efficient transfer of oil from CTV to tanker
  • SLS - Side Loading System

    Side Loading System: The SLS system provides a safe and efficient means for transferring oil from the FPSO to the tanker through the CTV. The CTV has a SLS on each side of the ship
  • DP System

    The tailormade Dynamic Positioning System maintains the CTV´s position and heading whilst keeping the tanker in position
  • Thrusters

    High performance thrusters ensure station keeping and efficient transit between oil fields.
  • Gangway

    A gangway designed for safe transfer of personnel.
  • Telemetry

    Ensures green line all the way from tanker via CTV to FPSO for safe offloading operations

Studies comparing our CTV solution to DP shuttle tanker operations have been carried out to compare energy efficiency and CO2 emissions.

One study shows that the total reduction in CO2 emissions when using SeaLoading’s CTVs instead of DP shuttle tankers can amount to several hundred thousand tonnes of reduced CO2 emissions annually.